Board Member Interest Form 25-26

Looking to be more involved with planning and decision making? Look no further, join us as a Borchardt PTA Board Member. 

Please Pick your top 3 positions you have interest in and sign up for each one.






To signup you must either login or provide a first name, last name, and email address. Login

You should have access to this email account and be able to receive emails related to this volunteering opportunity.

It's funny, but robots don't seem to be able to do simple math.
Executive PTA Roles

These roles have to be voted on by a separate voting committee

• Follow and ensure Bylaws, Standing Rules and Policies are understood and followed by all members • Be a signer on the bank account • Work closely with school administration • Recruit members • Ex-Officio member of all committees (except the nominating committee) • Appoints chairpersons of all committees with approval of executive board • Delegates responsibilities to PTA members • Plan and execute meetings
0 out of 10 filled.

VP Fundraising
• Vice president: assume duties of President in their absence • Planning and executing fundraising events • Be a signer on the bank account • Find sponsors and new fundraising opportunities • Schedule and plan monthly/bimonthly restaurant nights using the principal approved school activity calendar. Securing the dates in the summer is best.
0 out of 10 filled.

VP Programs
• Vice president: assume duties of President in their absence • Event Planning lead • Create event planning committees • Create community building events, such as Multi cultural night, talents shows, grandparents’ day and back to school events
1 out of 10 filled.

• Be a signer on the bank account, sign checks • spearheading the development of the PA/PTA budget • keeping a record of all income received by the PA/PTA • keeping a record of all expenditures of the PA/PTA • providing a written treasurer’s report* at each meeting • preparing tax forms • preparing interim reports, such as the January Interim PA/PTA Financial Report, June Annual PA/PTA Financial report and the Fundraising Activity Report • depositing money in the PA/PTA checking account • signing PA/PTA checks • assisting with the June transfer of financial records • in the event of an audit, assisting the audit committee or external auditors by making all records available
0 out of 10 filled.

• recording minutes at all PA/PTA meetings. • preparing minutes of each PA/PTA meeting, and reading and distributing copies of the minutes at the next PA/PTA meeting. • preparing notices, agendas, sign-in sheets and materials for distribution. • maintaining custody of the PA/PTA’s records on school premises • incorporating all amendments into the bylaws and ensuring that signed copies of the bylaws with the latest amendments are on file in the principal’s office. • reviewing, maintaining and responding to all correspondence addressed to the PA/PTA. • assisting with the June transfer of records to the incoming executive board
1 out of 10 filled.

Appointed PTA Roles

These Roles are appointed by the sitting PTA president.

Volunteer chair
• Create Volunteer opportunities for events, teachers and Parents • Record keeping and collection of volunteers • Create a Parent contact list for each class and share • recruit members for PTA
0 out of 10 filled.

Membership Chair
• Review and plan membership drives according to the Membership Awards deadlines posted on • Develop article/Flyer newsletter for each membership drive. • Collect, count, and deposit money with treasurer, if not done through Membership Toolkit • Generate a monthly report of new members to be submitted to TexasPTA. • Develop bulletin notices to list and thank all paid members.
1 out of 10 filled.

• Be There. You need to be at all PTA general meetings and all the PTA board meetings. • Ensure all present at meetings act within Bylaws, and within some approximation of parliamentary procedure. • Chair the Bylaws Committee and review bylaws and standing rules annually. Formal adoption of new bylaws is completed every other year. This is a good early year task. • Manage/oversee the Nominating Committee Process. After the Parliamentarian forms the committee, s/he remains available to assist them at their request. However, the Parliamentarian meets with the committee only if she has been elected to the committee
0 out of 10 filled.

Spirit Wear Chair
• Place order Borchardt Elementary Spirit Wear items. Work with a vendor to place order. • Fill incoming orders placed through our online system and facilitate the delivery of items to students. • Utilize the "Order Fulfillment" features of Membership Toolkit so as to keep track of all orders filled. - Participate in any events where Spirit Wear is sold
0 out of 10 filled.

Communications chair
• Facilitate open communication btw school admin and parents • Create Sign for front at school and monthly flyer/newsletter to be send out to parents via email • creating and maintaining an accurate list of the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of the executive board members. • notifying PA/PTA membership of meetings at least 10 days prior to the meeting date. • creating and distributing notices to the membership • responding to all incoming correspondence from PA/PTA membership.
1 out of 10 filled.

Council Delegate chair
• The role of the council delegate is to receive information from the council (FISD Council of PTAs), report actions back to the local unit (Borchardt PTA), and vote as directed by the local unit membership • Attend all council general (regular) meetings. • Attend all meetings of the local unit. • Represent the local unit as a voting member of the council body. • Participate in council discussions and deliberations. • Take careful notes at the council meeting. • Fill out a council delegate report form and turn it in to the local unit president to be filed with the secretary. • Report announcements, important actions, and the program/speaker to the local association and/or its executive board.
0 out of 10 filled.

Technology chair
• Maintain Borchardt PTAs web presence by updating web information and beautifying the site. • Ensure that paid services are renewed annually. (Domain Registration, Website renewal, etc) • Manage the Administrative side of the Google Apps account (create email addresses, manage groups, etc) • Ensure that online calendar content is up-to-date. (with input from board members and committee chairs) • Support board members with various MembershipToolKit functionalities and features (content, online store, running reports)
0 out of 10 filled.

Room Parent chair
• Create a Parent contact list for each class and share • facilitate room parents for each classroom • reach out to teachers for any help they might need to create new opportunities for parents • manage Room parents, their grade leads and communicate often
0 out of 10 filled.

Hospitality chair
• This includes hosting several events during the school year including teacher luncheons and back to school events • This includes hosting several events during the school year including teacher luncheons and back to school events
1 signed up.

Reflection chair
• Ensure that your PTA is supporting access to the arts, year-round, by identifying arts-related activities. • Work with your Programs VP to add Art-Related programs to the calendar. • Develop a plan to promote the Reflections program and recognize eligible, participating students. • Facilitate the National PTA Reflections Program • Provide an art-related article for the PTA website/e-newsletter
0 out of 10 filled.

SAGE chair
• SAGE stands for Special and Gifted Education and the mission of our SAGE Committee is to provide an opportunity for families and teachers of students who learn differently to share resources and friendship. SAGE volunteers at both Council and local Chapter PTAs work together to provide education, communication and support.
0 out of 10 filled.

Enviroment Chair
• Promote participation in America Recycles Day, Earth Day, Texas/National Arbor Day. • Work with community organizations that promote environmental priorities, such as the City of Plano Sustainability and Environmental Education Division. • Encourage campus participation in activities that promote “reduce-reuse-recycle” practices on campus.
0 out of 10 filled.

Healthy Lifestyles Chair
• Sponsor an after-school environmental club for students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. • Maintain plants at entrance of School • Coordinate wellness events and provide healthy lifestyle initiatives (such as yoga family night, family fun run, healthy lifestyle month) • Provide school and students with educational tools =and help empower families to engage in a healthy lifestyle • Assist in lunchtime nutrition education support (provide stickers to students who eat their vegetables, create marketing materials)
0 out of 10 filled.